About Us

Stronger Individuals, Stronger Families
and Stronger Communities.

Joint Opportunities is a 501c3 non-profit organization that strives to serve and empower individuals to improve and enrich their lives. Our main goal is to inspire and empower all those we serve by helping them shed negative self-images and attitudes of helplessness and hopelessness. Through our programs and outreach, we aim to create stronger individuals, stronger families, and stronger communities.

Our community-based programs at Joint Opportunities are developed in partnership with churches, corporations, and other non-profits. This collaborative network enables us to provide a range of supportive services to high-need populations. We offer early prevention services through various programs, workshops, professional collaborations, and personalized care.

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Our Programs

Empowering Our Clients to Begin
the Process of Healing Trauma

H.E.R. Soul Counseling & Trauma Recovery
Center was established as a safe haven
for Healing, Empowerment and Restoration…

Empowering Women through
Small Business Coaching

Today, the number of women-owned
businesses in the United States exceeds 12
million, contributing a staggering

Justice Involved and

For individuals re-entering the community
after incarceration, overcoming stigma
and obstacles can be challenging…

Still Waters Wellness

Indulge in the healing and rejuvenation offered by our Holistic Retreats. Leave behind the distractions of daily life and embark on a transformative journey towards balance and restoration.

A place to find rest, encouragement,
and support from other women!

Forever Fine Empowerment is designed to
foster fellowship and healing through
meaningful connections…

Dream Again

The primary objective of the Dream
Again program is to assist individuals in
discovering their life’s purpose..

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